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  • Generative AI: The Powerlifter of the Tech World Flexing in Fitness

Generative AI: The Powerlifter of the Tech World Flexing in Fitness

Hey there, fitfam!

It's your favorite time of the day again - newsletter o'clock!

We're back with more juicy tidbits from the world of AI and tech. Today, we're putting the spotlight on a gym buddy who's been doing more heavy lifting than a powerlifter on pre-workout - Generative AI! This beast of a technology, a subset of artificial intelligence, is flexing its muscles across industries worldwide. It's like a supercharged personal trainer for content, pumping out everything from text to images, music, and even videos.

In our world, the fitness industry, imagine this: personalized workout plans that adapt faster than you can say "burpee", nutritional advice that's more tailored than your gym shorts, and motivational content that's as energizing as a double espresso pre-workout shake. Sounds pretty rad, right?

So, in today's edition, we're going to pump some serious iron with topics that will have your brain doing burpees:

  1. How AI is like a supercharged personal trainer, but without the sweat stains.

  2. The impact of AI on the global economy - spoiler alert, it's like a CrossFit WOD with extra zeros!

  3. The challenges and opportunities AI presents for us fitness pros - it's like navigating a crowded gym floor on New Year's Day.

So, grab your protein shake, do a quick stretch, and let's dive into the world of AI in fitness!

Flexing the AI Muscle: How Generative AI is Pumping Up the Fitness Industry

Let's talk about something that's been doing more heavy lifting than a powerlifter on pre-workout - Generative AI. This beast of a technology, a subset of artificial intelligence, is flexing its muscles across industries worldwide. It's like a supercharged personal trainer for content, pumping out everything from text to images, music, and even videos.

In our world, the fitness industry, imagine this: personalized workout plans that adapt faster than you can say "burpee", nutritional advice that's more tailored than your gym shorts, and motivational content that's as energizing as a double espresso pre-workout shake. Sounds pretty rad, right?

According to the brainiacs at PwC, AI is set to add a whopping $15.7 trillion to the global economy by 2030. That's more zeros than the number of reps in a CrossFit WOD! And guess what? A significant chunk of that is likely to come from our new gym buddy, generative AI. This tech's versatility makes it a game-changer for all industries, especially ours - fitness.

IBM and Adobe have decided to become workout partners! Their goal is to use generative AI to speed up content supply chains, kind of like how a good spotter can help you push through those last few reps. This partnership could potentially make fitness content more personalized, efficient, and impactful - saving us fitness pros some precious time and adding serious value to our services. It's like having your protein shake and drinking it too!

But, like a heavy deadlift, generative AI comes with its own set of challenges. We're talking about issues related to job displacement, intellectual property rights, and privacy concerns. As fitness pros, we need to navigate these issues like we would a crowded gym floor - carefully and responsibly.

If you're as pumped about generative AI as we are, here are a few resources to get you started:

  1. IBM's Announcement on their partnership with Adobe. It's like the press release equivalent of a killer workout. IBM's Announcement

  2. PwC's Report on the economic impact of AI. It's like the protein powder that fuels the AI workout. PwC's Report

  3. A Comprehensive Guide to Generative AI. It's like a personal training session for your brain. Comprehensive Guide by Eye on Tech

Also, consider attending webinars and online courses on AI and its applications in fitness. They're like a masterclass in getting your tech gains.

Generative AI isn't just some sci-fi concept; it's here, and it's already doing more reps in the fitness industry. As fitness professionals, we need to stay ahead of the game and embrace these advancements. After all, our job isn't just to help our clients stay fit, but also to keep them engaged and motivated. And what better way to do that than with a little help from our new spotter, AI?

Lights, Camera, Abs! How Vimeo's New AI Tools Are Shaping Up the Fitness Industry

You know we're all about that tech life, right? From our trusty fitness trackers to those sweat-inducing virtual classes, we've been there, done that, and got the (sweat-wicking) t-shirt. But hold onto your kettlebells, because Vimeo is about to take us on a whole new fitness journey.

Vimeo, our go-to for video hosting, has been hitting the tech gym hard. They've just revealed a set of AI tools that promise to make video creation as effortless as your post-workout protein shake. We're talking automated editing, smart cropping, and dynamic scene detection. Sounds cool, right?

  • Content Creation: We all know the power of a killer workout video. Whether it's for online training, exercise demos, or just showing off our gains, a top-notch video can be a game-changer. With Vimeo's new AI tools, creating high-quality videos will be as easy as knocking out a set of bicep curls.

  • Client Engagement: These AI-powered features could help us whip up more engaging and personalized video content. Smart cropping makes sure the main action (like that flawless squat form) is always in the spotlight, enhancing the viewer's experience and understanding.

  • Time and Resource Efficiency: By automating some parts of video editing, these tools could save us a ton of time. That means we can focus more on what we do best - training and coaching - while still delivering high-quality video content for our business.

  • Education and Learning: We could use these tools to create educational content for our clients, like how-to videos on proper exercise techniques or nutrition tips. The dynamic scene detection could be a real winner here, as it can automatically pinpoint and highlight key moments in the video.

Now, the catch is that these tools won't be available until July 23. So, we've got a bit of a wait before we can start filming those perfect squats. But when they do drop, they'll be available to anyone with Vimeo’s Standard Plan. (Which you can snag for $20 a month billed annually - here)

For a deeper dive into this story, check out these articles by TechCrunch & VentureBeat:

To wrap it up, Vimeo's new AI tools could be a total game-changer for us fitness pros who use video content in our business. It's like having your own personal video editor, without the Hollywood price tag. So, let's grab this tech by the dumbbells and continue to innovate in how we engage with our clients and grow our businesses.

Supplement Stack

Your post-workout recovery, covering the latest news and trends in Fitness, AI and Technology you need to know!

  • Voice Cloning Cardio – Voice cloning AI startup ElevenLabs is running away with $19M in funding. That's one way to get your heart rate up!

  • AI Fitness Future – The integration of AI and machine learning is one of the most significant advancements in fitness technology.

  • Robo-Editors – German tabloid Bild is swapping out human editors for AI. Guess robots don't need coffee breaks!

And there you have it, folks! Another day, another tech revelation.

Remember, AI isn't just for sci-fi movies - it's here, it's ready to spot us, and it's revolutionizing our industry. As your fellow fitness pros, we're here to keep you ahead of the game and in the loop.

So, until tomorrow, keep those muscles flexing and minds expanding.

Remember - no pain, no AI gain!


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